Sales Training in
Dover Delaware
Topics Include
big ticket high-tech sales training - developing creative
selling skills
powerful telemarketing sales training - Internet & software sales
customized in-house sales training for your particular products
how to develop powerful cold calling sales scripts that sell
new telephone sales techniques for getting past screeners
public sales training workshops -sales automation tools
learn the sales consulting approach - IT sales seminars
instilling the customer service excellence attitude
learn relationship selling - power prospecting tips
inbound & outbound call center sales training
closing techniques that make sales today
developing your sales management skills
intangible and software sales
relationship selling
sales training in Dover
Click here to listen to a streaming
audio voice
message that explains truly dynamic telemarketing sales training.
It will change your thinking about sales
seminars and open your eyes to what dynamic sales
training can do for you.
Finally, telemarketing sales training taught by an incredibly
successful salesman (he earned a generous 6-figure income
that put him in the top 1% income tax bracket from personal
sales) with current, real world sales credentials. This sales
training for telemarketing is taught by Robert Taylor, a skilled
communicator who can transfer his acquired skills to your
sales people.
He is a record shattering, #1 salesman who can kick start
your company's sales into high gear. He delivers 46
sales ideas that will immediately increase your company's
sales. It is called "Creating
Sales SuperStars."
sales training in Dover
This at-your-location seminar Creating Sales SuperStars is
specifically designed to transform your average salespeople into
SuperStars. For details, click here. He teaches 46 innovative
techniques and high performance insights that make the
difference between mediocrity and high achievement. He teaches
your people all the secrets they must know to enter the top
3% in sales-by someone who has done it! This
delivers the beef. Why Aren't You More
It is not the job, the product, the territory or
the industry. It is
the sales skills (or lack of them) of the sales person that
all the difference. There are sales people in virtually every
industry group who are making $200,000+ each year
most make $25-$40,000. This sales training will show you how
to "break out" and move
into the top 20% who
typically make
80% of the company's sales.
sales training in Dover Delaware
Mr. Taylor's book, Achieving Your Personal Destiny, is an
acclaimed 302-page hardback book on how to achieve extra-
ordinary success. He is the Founder and President of The
Success Training Academy.
With sales training seminars
there are
2 big problems.
Most sales training seminars offered
today are ineffective because:
#1. They are "all bun and no beef"
Most sales training seminars are taught by "seat salesmen"
who have nothing worthwhile to deliver. These sales training
seminars teach yesterdays
"trick" closes, fluff gimmicks and
kindergarten techniques that are available in any old book on
sales training. The instructors at these generic sales training
seminars are just fast-talking amateurs who have no lasting
impact on your people. They teach obvious things and are a
waste of time and money.
#2. "Those who can't--teach."
Many sales trainers claim to teach others how to make
$100,000+ per year, while they
personally never did. In
fact, most are just burned-out salesmen turned trainers who
can only "talk a good game" from many years past. How
can they teach your sales staff to reach new heights in sales
when they themselves were mediocre salesmen at best?
Don't waste your money on seminars taught by worn out
soldiers--those who can't."
sales training in Dover Delaware
What is the baffling dilemma facing all sales
The answer lies with the Pareto Principle which states that
80% of the sales are typically made by 20% of the sales
people. The "Creating Sales SuperStars seminar
converts average salespeople into SuperStars. You owe it
to yourself to see and hear about this dynamic sales
training seminar that will electrify your sales force.
receive the 6 Metaphysical Laws of Prosperity
by email. It explains in detail the universal laws of success
and prosperity. Please request it specifically.
If you would like the 10 Commandments of Success in
a glossy, wallet-sized fold over business card that you can carry with
you, simply include your name and address bytouching hereand we
will mail it to youfree.
Testimonial From American Airlines
From Sara Kelly
Sept. 28, 1998
Director AAdvantage Incentive Marketing
American Airlines World Headquarters
Fort Worth, Texas
"Your efforts really helped
break our paradigm of incorectly selling
product features rather than product benefits. The quiz on the sales
kit was a real eye opener and certainly hit home with our tele-
marketers. I am sure our sales reps have already begun to benefit
from your suggestions and teachings. It is a real challenge to turn
customer service reps into sales people but I fully anticipate that we
will begin to see results based on your recommended techniques.
Thanks again for your help and I look forward to our National Sales
Training in October."
Click the " > " below to hear astreamingaudio message
about our "Creating
SuperStars" sales training.
It will take 20 seconds to load (with 28.8 modem) You'll love it.
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you can't see the player above, or get an error message,
get the latest version of FREE Real Player G2 Beta.
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