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To become truly
successful in life, you must first understand and
then implement the 33 Essential Principles of Success into
your life. But just as there are laws of nature, there are also
Metaphysical Laws of Prosperityinviolable
and maxims beyond the physical plane that dictate a person's
future success and ultimate prosperity. These Laws include:
1. The Metaphysical Law of Human Radiation
recognizes that each person is basically a powerful energy
source that radiates a karma of thoughts, feelings and
emotions"vibes," if you will. In a philosophical way, we
are both living magnets, as well as power sources of human
energya yin and yang in oriental thinking. This law teaches
us that we as we radiate out our unique energy, we attract
into our lives those people and circumstances that are in tune
with our unique thoughts. You attract to yourself what you
radiate out from yourself, whether it is positive or negative.
People of a similar mind tend to group together. Your close
friends probably think much like you do. They have become
your close friends because of this metaphysical law of human
radiation. It confirms the old adage that birds of a feather
flock together. Others immediately recognize fundamentally
good people because of the aura they cast. They easily
attract friends. People instinctively trust them. This occurs by
the metaphysical Law of Human Attraction. Those who have
few or no friends also operate under the Law of Attraction.
Somehow the true nature of a person shines through and
people instinctively know who they really are inside.
For years you have
heard that you are what you eat. It is
true. But did you know that you become what you think about
all the time? This is equally true. There is another maxim that
guides your life: What you radiate out, you also attract to
yourself. Stated differently, what a person thinks about all the
time is attracted into his life. Show me someone who is passion-
ately consumed with a belief or concept, who lives, breathes,
and eats a particular idea, and I will show you a person who
will have that preoccupation become a reality in his life.
With this metaphysical law of
attraction in mind, obviously
you want to be very positive and optimistic in your outlook
so that you will attract those developments in your life. This
is much more than just "positive thinking," although there is
certainly nothing wrong with positive thinking. Success
visualization is a process that changes our lives by creating
images in our minds that ultimately become reality. These
images are first just anticipation, but they quickly become
an expectation, and finally an intrinsic belief. Over time you
"know" that this will become a reality in your life. Since you
are creating your life every day, you are also creating your
2. The Metaphysical
Law of Self-Determination is
an acknowledgment of the role of personal responsibility. It
is your "self" that determines your fatenothing or no one
else. The self-determination you feel within gives you the
strength to overcome all the obstacles you will face in life.
You must take personal responsibility for your actions and
the results in your life. Your "self" must become strong and
determined. You always succeed through self-determination.
You write that it is impossible;
the word is not
3. The Metaphysical
Law of Continuous Growth
reveals that you cannot succeed in life if you stop growing
mentally. Personal self-improvement and professional
educational growth should be your never- ending quest.
To enjoy continued success and prosperity, you must always
be learning and striving for improvement. The Metaphysical
Law of Continuous Growth is the accepted way of life for
truly successful people. Remember, when you stop growing,
you are ripe. And when you are ripe, you start to rot.
If you are not reading and learning
new things regularly, then your brain
is withering away. To earn more,
you must learn more.
4. The Metaphysical
Law of Self-Direction basically
dictates that you are happiest and feel the best about your-
self and your work to the degree that you are self-directed
in your vocational activities and in your personal life. From
a vocational standpoint, you must be able to express your
creativity and individuality or you become an unhappy robot.
If you feel you are controlled by others or by circumstances
out of your control, you will find yourself generally unhappy.
People want to feel they are self-directed at work, even
though they really may not be. This law was discovered
decades ago during the period when factories dominated
the U.S. economy. Employees were treated as machines and
were not given even the slightest power to vary their activity.
Unfortunately, it is still prevalent today in meat cutting plants,
assembly lines and other low- level jobs. The factory worker
who works on the assembly line has little control over his
work and generally feels frustrated and unfulfilled. The
secretary, who pounds the word processor and routinely files
meaningless papers day after day, generally feels stifled and
dehumanized. The positive aspect of this law has been
rediscovered recently by companies like Saturn that now
advertise that their employees can now stop "the line" by
pulling a cord when they see something wrong. To them it is
a big deal. In your personal life it is also important to feel
self-directed. Teenagers dont like to be under the strict
authority of their parents. Women dont like to be bossed
around by their husbands and vice versa. Everyone wants
to be in control of his or her own life. The question you
must ask yourself is "Who is in control of my life?" To be
happy in life, the answer should be "you."
5. Most successful people live The Metaphysical Law
of Positive Choices. These people recognize that during
each day there are literally hundreds of choices to make,
most seemingly small but ultimately important. And with each
choice there is a consequence. They recognize that there is
a cause and effect in everything they do. Everything in your
life today was brought about by the choices you made in the
pasteverything! Successful people make careful, thoughtful
choices because they know that the events they cause create
their future. They tend to be pro-active people who plan
ahead and work toward predetermined goals. They function
daily by the logical principle of cause and effect. Thoughtful
people recognize that they cause the developments in their
lives and are responsible for the results. They work hard and
expect positive results. In contrast, unsuccessful people dont
make conscious choices. They believe that everything happens
to them by accident and that they have no control over their
destiny, when in fact they create their future daily by the
choices they make. Unsuccessful people consider themselves
victims. They have no long term goals, in fact, no plans
beyond the short term. They hope for the best, but make
absolutely no plans to make the best happen. The concept
of positive choices and cause and effect are foreign to their
way of thinking.
6. The Metaphysical
Law of Strong Conviction
and Positive Expectations mandates that whatever you
believe with absolute conviction and confidently expect to
happen becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy and will become
a reality in your life. The two powerful parts of this law are
conviction and expectation. They are really the same concept
because if you believe something with absolute conviction,
you also expect it to become true. It recognizes the powerful
force of your will to succeed. If you continuously build your
convictions about your inevitable success in life, you will
instinctively take the appropriate actions that will bring about
the results you reverently desire. What we expect to happen,
happens. Very successful people in life live by this law. They
anticipate and expect success, and they achieve it. These
positive expectations have a powerful impact on our relation-
ships and on the events in our lives, such that the expectations
really do influence the outcome. Worry is negative goal setting
and negative expectations. It is thinking about, talking about
and imagining exactly what we don't want to happen. It is the
exact opposite of the Metaphysical Law of Strong Conviction
and Positive Expectations. To be successful, become obedient
to the Law of Positive Expectations and visualize success daily
in everything you do.
More powerful thoughts like these
are contained in the book
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