Basic sales training
to advanced selling
techniques taught in-house or on audio tapes.
Founded 1993
Our sales training audio tapes
will dramatically increase your
sales. We conduct workshops on sales and provide individual sales
coaching. We teach everything
from the basics of sales all the way
to the most sophisticated techniques--NLP and the Socratic Method.
We can help you develop new
sales strategies used by the leading
growth companies of today,
including sales automation tools.
Our customized sales training seminars cut down the learning
curve for new salespeople, reduce turnover and give your old dogs
new teeth. Our audio tapes sales
program works.
Your sales
people will learn different sales approaches to match the personality
traits of the prospect, listening skills, prospecting
techniques, telemarketing
secrets, cold calling scripts, how to overcome objections, set appointments by
phone, communications skills, powerful personal presentations, big ticket
telephone sales and a dozen ways
to close the sale.
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