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The "Creating Sales SuperStars"
seminar is not a show up and throw up presentation. Off- the-shelf seminars where one size fits all is not the way to conduct effective sales training that has long lasting results. We believe in customiz- ing the presentation so the host company gets real value for their money. The schedule below can be squeezed into a couple of days, but a thorough program is recommended.
Sales Seminar Agenda Step One: Become familiar with the products, services and sales literature of the host company. We listen to sales presentations currently used by many of the sales staff and learn the major selling advantage of the companys products and services, getting a feel for the most common objections, the typical sales cycle, how sales are being made and by whom, etc. ![]() and meeting the key senior management, a cross section of middle and lower level managers, a wide variety of hourly and administrative people, and sometimes accompany field sales people on calls to observe the normal work routines, listen to sales presentations and learn the typical customers' reactions. We try to "walk a mile in their shoes" so we can truly under- stand the unique challenges facing the sales staff. ![]() ![]() Why Aren't You More Successful? It is not the job, the product, the territory or the industry. It is the sales skills (or lack of them) of the sales person that makes all the difference. There are sales people in virtually every industry group who are making $100,000+ each year while most make $25-$40,000. This sales training will show you how to "break out" and move into the top 20% who typically make 80% of the company's sales. ![]()
if you are in management and sales are down, get out this old tool to spur sales. We review the entire mix of telemarketing, sales force automation tools, faxing materials, mailing company literature and person-to- person sales presentations. This gives us a grasp of the companys overall sales strategy and approach so we can identify areas, techniques, personnel and technology that need improvement. This generally takes one or perhaps two days at the host company. Synergy: 1+1=3 StepTwo: Use this information along with 46 innovative sales ideas to create a custom- ized, high-powered program ofSuperStar sales techniques and technology specifically for the host companys products and services. It is designed to strengthen the companys sales ideas from the nations fastest growing companies. This synergy of sales presentations and strategies combine to create the complete SuperStar Sales presentation package. This generally takes about one day. StepThree: ![]() customized Super Stars Sales Seminar at the host company. This takes one/two afternoons depending on the size of the group and the necessary training. For greater retention, it is better to break the training into two sessions, perhaps morning and afternoon or consecutive days. ![]() people,implementthe recommendations, test the response from prospects, and receive feed backfrom the sales staff and customers. This step is a process of honing the ideas into a natural and flowing complete sales presenta- tion. It is field testing the new sales ideas in the office on the front line with the customer. These seminar ideas must be put into practice and old selling patterns must be interrupted and replaced. We make recommendations on the entire sales process based on our experience with many large progressive sales organizations. This sales consulting is designed to reduce sales costs and multiply sales results. This implementation and coaching step generally requires one to two days depending on the size of the sales force. This can sometimes be done with company staff. Step Five: Prepare written ideas, scripts, answers to objections, closing techniques, perhaps audio tapes and other materials to leave behind so the training has staying power and can be used for future salesmen.This generally takes a day or two. This can be eliminated in some instances at the company's request. Step Six: Make a (free) follow up sales training review in 3 to 6 months to see how the new ideas are working, how much sales have increased, and what might be done to keep the momentum going. Viewed with Netscape, marquee below does not move. movie lines on this site to make your visit more fun. If you can't hear them, download a FREE plugin. Don't miss these life- changing quotes and funny voices. ![]()
Copyright 1999. The Success Training Academy. All rights reserved. ![]() ![]() A Worldwide Training and Personal Development Company Headquartered in Dallas, Texas USA ![]() ![]() by email. It explains in detail the Universal Laws of Success and Prosperity.Request it specifically.
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