10 Commandments of Wealth
Prosperity and Personal Growth

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10 Commandments of Success

10 commandments

Seepulsar.gif (2171 bytes)
the invisible
Believe pulsar.gif (2171 bytes)
in the impossible
Achieve pulsar.gif (2171 bytes)
the incredible

   10 commandments

You may be dissappointed
if you fail, but you are
doomed if you don't try.

The Moses character below is actually the author in costume.
He gives
unforgettable motivational speeches dressed as
Moses. See what Moses looks like without a robe and beard
at the
bottom of this page.

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of Success

10 commandments of success

 1. Thou Shall

Articulate on paper the specific goals you wish to
achieve in life,
both long term and short term. Be precise.
Laser like focus is the distinguishing characteristic of super-
successful people. Pinpoint exactly what you plan to
achieve in all of the major areas of your life. Remember
that a tiny magnifying glass can ignite a huge firestorm
by concentrating the rays of the sun on one spot, and that
you can start your fire by concentrating all of your energies
on one purpose. You may know in your mind what you
want to accomplish, but until you put it in writing, it is only
a vague wish list. It is critical that you take the time to
articulate your goals on paper. Only a tiny fraction of the
population has written goals. And only a tiny fraction of
the people becomes truly successful
. Not surprisingly, they
are generally the same group. If you haven't set out on
paper your important life's goals, do it now. 

    1049.gif (1748 bytes)

point.gif (7138 bytes)Read about how his book,  Achieving Your
Personal Destiny,
can put you into the
top 2.8% of the
population who are
financially successful, It is truly a
"success manual for life."

     lion_awd.jpg (4770 bytes)          award_98.jpg (8774 bytes)

 frestuf7.gif (13867 bytes) If you want the 10 Commandments of Success
in a glossy,
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  11. Thou Shall

Develop a series of action steps and a written timetable
for achieving each of your goals.
Set out a strategy of action
steps and target dates for each of your short and intermediate
term goals. You can climb any mountain one disciplined step
at a time. And you can achieve any major goals you set for
yourself by simply taking the tiny steps daily that are necessary.
Determine the essential daily action steps you must take to
realize each of your goals. Then set weekly and monthly target
dates for the accomplishment of your goals. Deadlines stimulate
action. Strive to reach each deadline you set.

 111. Thou Shall

Make an ironclad commitment to yourself to achieve your
Make a solemn oath to yourself that you will achieve
these goals and become the person you plan to become. You
cannot be defeated if you develop an iron-willed determination
to succeed and are committed to realize your goals. If you are
truly committed, whatever unforeseen obstacles you encounter
in life won't really matter very much. The lack of money, set-
backs, or other circumstances may delay you, but if you desire
something passionately and are committed, you will ultimately
find a way to achieve it. Your commitment to success must be so
strong that you are consumed by the
desire for success. It should
be your first thought when you awake in the morning and your
last thought when you go to bed at night. Develop the intense
desire of a drowning person for a breath of air or a person lost
in the desert for a drink of water. With this desire and
commitment, you can accomplish anything.

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  1V. Thou Shall

Affirm your goals each morning. It is the repetition of your
goals and affirmations that leads to subconscious belief. And
once your belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to
happen. Without fail, read aloud to yourself your abbreviated
goals summary. Implant in your subconscious mind through
daily repetition exactly what you are going to accomplish and
the goals you will achieve. This neurological reprogramming
of your subconscious mind will provide you unlimited power,
persistence and determination. Start your day right by
reviewing and affirming your goals daily.

  V. Thou Shall  

Record your written goals in your own voice on cassette
and play it to yourself every day. At a prescribed time each
day, like while driving to work or before going to bed, simply
turn on the tape cassette recorder, and listen to your voice
affirming your goals. You will
accept in your subconscious
mind whatever you repeat to yourself often, whether the
statement is true or not. Whatever goals and affirmations you
plant in your subconscious mind and nourish with repetition
and conviction will one day become a reality in your life. You
are controlled by your thoughts. Begin each day by putting
into your mind the thoughts that will guide you to your goals.
Reprogram your mind so that your daily actions are the
product of your carefully determined plans and goals. Put
purpose and direction into your daily life first by carefully
articulating on paper your goals and affirmations, and second,
listening to them on cassette every day.

   V1. Thou Shall

Utilize the awesome power of mental visualization by
picturing in your mind's eye the achievement of your goals.
In your mind's eye, picture the person you will become and
the goals you will
achieve. Focus daily on this vision of your
new self. Actually envision yourself achieving these goals,
becoming the person you want to become, acquiring the
possessions and being successful in all the important areas
of your life. Visualize things as they can be and what you
will become. The events in your life mirror your thoughts.
Picture yourself mentally achieving each of your goals. See
them as accomplished. Visualize your success with great
specificity. Try to program your mind to visualize your
success as you go to sleep.

   V11. Thou Shall

Develop supreme confidence in yourself and in your
abilities to achieve success.
Become very aware of your
self-talk and ensure that everything you say to yourself,
verbally or mentally, is a positive affirmation of yourself
and your ab
ility to achieve these goals. You can do what
you believe you can do, but you cannot do what you think
you cannot do. In order to succeed at anything, you must
first believe you can accomplish it. If you think you can win,
you can win. But you must have belief in yourself and in
your abilities. A positive trait of success is to erase from
your mind any negative thing that has happened to you
up to this very minute. Release the past. Release the
mistakes, blunders and disappointments. Clean the slate
of negative thoughts. Remember that the past only exists
in your mind, if you let it. Events in your life are influenced
by your beliefs in yourself and by your great desires. Your
ardent desire and supreme confidence can mold the events
that shape your future. Your expectations can become your
reality. But first you must believe in yourself and in your

 V111. Thou Shall NOT

Let events, big or small, or people, big or small, affect
your attitude.
High achievers are unaffected by circumstances.
They are not deterred by people or events. They sacrifice,
struggle and tirelessly pursue their goals—always maintaining
a positive attitude about everything. Overcoming negative
events is the recurring cost of achievement, the price of success.
Opportunity often comes disguised in the form of disappoint-
ments, misfortunes, or temporary defeats. The right attitude
reveals the underlying opportunities. Approach all difficulties
and setbacks as creative opportunities in disguise. You can turn
an apparent misfortune into a great fortune. The most essential
factor is your attitude—the positive mind-set never to allow your
energy, enthusiasm or optimism to be diminished by the
discouragements that will inevitably occur.

1X. Thou Shall

Maintain a personal success journal. Keep your written
goals in a private folder so that you can read them aloud
each morning. Be aware of the intermediate deadlines you
have set for yourself. Regularly annotate your goals and
record your progress. Make mid-course corrections and
fine tune your goals. The road to success is always under
construction, so review your success strategies and plans
regularly. Modify them when necessary to reflect changing
conditions. Repair your plans and avoid the potholes of life.
Most unsuccessful people experience failure because they
lack flexibility in creating new plans to take the place of
those that fa
iled. If the wind, or anything else, blows you
off course, make a mid-course correction. Regularly step
back and evaluate where you are and where you are
headed. Use your success journal like a goals diary of
your trip to destiny. Let your journal become your Bible
of success. Open and read from it daily.

 X. Thou Shall

Take some action every day, however slight, towards
the accomplishment of your major goals in life. It is not
enough that you work hard every day. You must make
some incremental progress daily toward your major goals.
Don't get so caught up in the minutia of the daily grind that
you take your eyes off the prize. Make some little progress
daily toward what is really important to you—your major
goals in life. There is no sudden leap into success or greatness.
Your success will come about by small baby steps taken day
after day. Your house of success will be built brick by brick.
Commit yourself to take at least one small step each day
toward achieving your purpose in life.

 Work this plan and you can realize your great dreams for your life. Take every step and your success is assured.

couragepulsar.gif (2171 bytes)
to begin



is the key.

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 Copyright � 1999. The Success Training Academy. All rights reserved.
                                                    Founded 1993
A Worldwide Training and Personal Development Company
                                    Headquartered in Dallas, Texas

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The author, whose income in 1995 was in the top 1% income
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ebook that could
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