Salesmanship, sales
training, telemarketing telephone sales training
seminars are taught at the Success
Training Academy, a worldwide sales
training and personal development company. Our 28 page, award
website is full of success ideas that can change
your life. It took you years to
get here, so pleae be patient while this pageloads. Grab a
big fistful of bottom of this page.
Sales Training
Avoid the
with all
Tells It All
No far out
just dynamic
concepts, proven
sales methods and
techniques that
create sales
seminars are what we do best
We train salespeople to eliminate sales resistance.
sales training seminars, Creating Sales
Superstars, are
offered both as in-house and public sales training seminars.
We show salespeople how to overcome objections, close
sales, create relationships and reach sales goals. Sales
training is what we do best. Our sales trainers are world
class sales training experts. Our motivational seminars are
the envy of all. Success
Training Academy sales
training seminars teach
sales training techniques that really work, not
old worn
out text book solutions from the 80's that most other
companies use. If the sales
trainer has never made any
big money in sales, what can he teach anyone? He's just
all bun and no beef. Learn from our
real experts about our
sales training techniques that work magic. We can teach
your salespeople how to become powerful salesmen,
saleswomen and salespeople--which ever politically
correct phrase you choose. If you want sales training that
produces real results, call us
Our site has 100
motivational and
humorous voice clips and scores
of animated gifs
and out-of this world pictures. Most importantly,
it has life-changing concepts on every page.
We offer electrifiying sales training
seminars at the Success Training Academy. Our
speakers and sales trainers are awesome. If you
are looking for a sales training seminar that will
jumpstart your company's sales, you have come to
the right place. Our killer sales training
Creating Sales Superstars will knock your
socks off.
Why Aren't You More Successful?
It is not the job, the product, the territory or
industry. It is the sales skills
(or lack of them) of
the sales person that makes all the difference.
There are sales people in virtually every industry
group who are making $100,000+ each year while
most make $25-$40,000. This sales training will show
you how to "break out" and move into the top 20%
who typically make 80% of the company's sales.
marquee below does not move
in Netscape
Old Dogs Get New Teeth
You can teach an old dog
new tricks. Effective on-
going sales training is critical to developing a power-
fully motivated sales staff. Periodic training is
necessary for continued corporate growth. We teach
the sales process, from cold calling, setting appoint-
ments, telemarketing, presonal presentations, rapport
building, relationship selling, over coming objections,
and closing skills that work in 1998. We teach sales
skills that would take years to
Our sales trainers are experienced salesmen
selves. We really teach sales management skills to
your executive sales managers so they can get peak
performance from you team long after
we're gone.
Sales trainers are encouraged to come and learn to
become world class sales trainers in our train-the-
trainer classes.
Finally, sales
training taught by an incredibly
successful salesman (he earned
a generous 6-figure income that put
him in the top 1% income tax bracket
from personal sales with current,
real world sales credentials. This sales training is taught by Robert Taylor, a skilled communicator who can transfer his acquired
skills to
your sales people.
to receive the 6 Metaphysical Laws of
Prosperity by email.
It explains in detail the universal
laws of success and prosperity.
Please request it specifically.
If you would
like the 10 Commandments of Success
in a glossy, wallet-sized fold over business
card that you can carry with you,
simply include your name and address by touching here
and we will mail
it to you free.
Founded 1993
Over 300+ pages of info and insights on this website.
Enter your search words below for page listings.
Robert Taylor has created a multi-media "talking" ebook
a $39.95 value--he is
giving away FREE.
Blueprint for
How the average person can accumulate a
fortuneand even become a millionaire,
using a proven system that will
work for anyone.
Over 10 years of
research, including interviews with millionaires
and a billionaire, went into discovering their secrets to acquiring
great wealth. Nothing to do with MLM, franchises, an Internet
marketing course, or anybusiness opportunity whatsoever.
This incredibly
powerful multi-media ebook (sent by email) is
available FREE to anyone who signs up for our newsletter. Just
send in your email address with "ebook" in the Subject line, and
you will receive the key to the Secret Library. You
your own personal version, which you are free to re-distribute. The author, whose income in 1995 was
in the top 1% income
bracket of the United States, has written two hardback books:
"Achieving Your Personal Destiny" and "How Anyone Can
Make a Million Dollars in Texas." Dont
miss his latest FREE
ebook that could make you wealthy!
We also teach in Alabama, Alaska,
Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii,
Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Bangor, Maine,
Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska,
Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Carolina,
South Dakota, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee,
Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. If you
need training in Montgomery Alabama, Juneau, Alaska, Anchorage, Little Rock
Arkansas, Denver Colorado, Hartford Connecticut1, Dover Delaware, Tallahassee Florida,
Atlanta Georgia, Honolulu Hawaii, Boise Idaho, Springfield Illinois, Indianapolis Indiana,
Des Moines Ohio, Topeka Kansas, Baton Rouge Louisiana, Augusta Georgia, Annapolis
Maryland, Boston Mass., Lansing Michigan, St. Paul Minnesota, Jackson Mississippi, Helena
Montana, Lincoln Nebraska, Concord New Hampshire, Santa Fe New Mexico, Albany New York,
Raleigh North Carolian, Bismarck North Dakota, Columbus Ohio, Oklahoma City, Salem Oregon,
Harrisburg South Carolina, Providence Rhode Island, Columbia North Carolina, Nashville
Tennessee, Austin Texas, Salt Lake City Utah, Montpelier Vermont, Richmond Virginia,
Olympia Washington, Charleston North Carolina, Madison Wisconsin, Cheyenne Wyoming,
Birmingham Alabama, Phoenix Arizona, Los Angles California, Wilmington Delaware, Miami
Florida, Chicago Illinois, Wichita Kansas, Louisville Kentucky, New Orleans Louisiana,
Portland Oregon, Baltimore Maryland, Detroit Michigan, Minneapolis Minnasota, Jackson
Florida, St. Louis Missouri, Great Falls Idaho, Omaha Nebraska, Las Vegas Nevada,
Manchester, Newark New Jersey, Albuquerque New Mexico, New York, Charlotte North
Carolina, Fargo North Dakota, Cleveland Ohio, Oklahoma City, Portland Oregon Maine,
Philadelphia Pennsylvania, Providence Rhode Island, Sioux Falls, Memphis Tennessee,
Norfolk Virginia, Seattle Washington, Milwaukee Wisconsin, Hot Springs Arkansas, Carlsbad
New Mexico, Yellowstone, Pine Bluff Arkansas, Bangor Maine, Bar Harbor, Jacksonville
Florida, Hilo Hawaii, Fresno California, and Rapid City North Dakota, Lansing Michigan,
Cincinnati Ohio, Norfolk Virginia, Nashville Tennessee, Birmingham Alabama, Montgomery,
Macon Georgia, Miami Florida, Orlando, St. Petersburg Florida, Key West, Butte, Topeka
Kansas, Norman Oklahoma, Reno Nevada, Greeley Colorado, Albuquerque New Mexico, Hot
Springs Arkansas, Monroe Louisiana, Shreveport, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Jackson
Mississippi, Hattiesburg, Mississippi, Daytona Florida, Pensacola, Florida, Raleigh North
Carolina, or Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.