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So Why Isn't
Your Website
Producing Sales?
Did you know?
Most sites on the
Internet are lost in a maze of 200 million web
pages! The truth is your website is
just a needle in the
haystack. How
hard is it to find any particular site? Imagine for a moment a billboard
put behind a big tree on a dusty road 10 miles outside of a tiny for-
gotten town in Arizona. If nobody can find your store, you wont sell
any productssimple as that. In most cases your website is
lost like
a grain of sand on the beach, and nobody can find it. That is just one
reason why you are not making sales off your website. The information
on this page will completely change your view of how effective the
Internet is for most companies!
Click here
for info on "talking web pages" for your website by
Do you want your company
to be an
Success Story"?
It can be with our help.
Factoids: $140 Billion is the estimated online
retail sales and business to business revenue expected by the
year 2000. Web sales in '97 were $2.7 billion, $24.4 billion in 98,
projected at $106 billion in '99. Web
sites with two years of
experience were twice as likely to be profitable as those up for
6 months or less, proof that there is a learning curve.
Many companies who develop creative web sites
market them aggressively will succeed beyond their wildest
imagination, while other companies that "wait and see" will
be out of business. The Internet is the
most significant invention
since Guttenberg invented the printing
press in 1453. But still,
most sites are rarely seen!
1,630 New Businesses Set Up Shop
On the Internet Every Day
relies on search engines to find websites. When
you retrieved a list of
potential sites to visit from a search
engine, did you go way down the list to number 42 or did
you stop afterlooking at a dozen sites? Most people look at
the first 10-20 sites found--at
most. If your site is way down
the retrieved list, it is never seen--simple as that. You have
two choices: either spends tens of thousands of dollars
advertising your site on radio and TV, or use Internet tech-
nology itself along with Internet savvy to get your site seen
by potential customers. Do
you know the technology and do
you have the savvy?
Do you understand how a search engine locates sites? Do you
how it ranks the sites it finds? Very
few people do. Your web
site creator promised you it was registered with all the major
search engines, but so what? There is a
lot more to it. If your
companys web site is buried way down the list, it doesnt really
matter. Like most people, he
doesnt know the secrets to getting
your site pulled up in the top group of those found by the search
engine. There really are secrets to
getting hits on your web site
and most people dont have a clue what they are.
Are you in sales?
Why Aren't You More
It is not the job, the product, the territory or the industry.
It is the sales skills (or lack
of them) of the sales person
that makes all the difference. There are sales people in
virtually every industry group who are making $100,000+
each year while most make $25-$40,000. This sales training
will show you how to "break out" and move into the top 20%
who typically make 80% of the company's sales.
marquee below does not
move in Netscape
To have people discover your
web site it must
be designed internally so that
the search engines see
it and register
it high on their list of
similar sites. Secondly, it must be aggressively
marketed on the Internet (a whole other
story). It should be linked
to other related sites. Press releases should be sent to appropriate
places. And these are just a few of the obvious things that must be
done. Putting up a web site is
just 10% of the solution to
money on the Internet.
What would make
your website really stand out?
Something only 1 in 100,000 sites has.
Just how knowledgeable is the
person who set up your website?
Test him. If he can't explain to you
what all these terms are, he
doesn't understand how to effectively
create and market your
website on the Internet. If you are not
getting "hits" and making
sales, it is because somebody just put up a low cost website for
you, but didn't know how to create and
market it (two entirely
separate activities) so that it would be found by potential
customers. You can't make sales if
nobody sees your website.
Ask him to explain what
they mean and how they influence
search engines and other Internet
technology that helps to get
sites listed, prioritized, visited and ranked. Better still, ask him
how his site ranks with search engines.
You can't make sales if
nobody your website. Done
right, your website can reach millions and multiply your sales.
Done wrong, nobody sees it. If you aren't up on all the latest
Internet technology,
Internet neophytes only see what a
website looks like. If it
is visually attractive or incorporates the latest technology, they
think it will generate sales. Not
true. Temporarily
put aside how
your website looks and is designed. How it looks is only part of
the battle. Is it being seen, or is it
lost like a grain of sand on the
beach? If you are not making sales, it isn't being seen.
Don't let
this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity slip through your fingers.
Over 300+ pages of info and
insights on this website.
Enter your search words below for page listings.